Italy has again postponed the entry into force of Italian Plastic Tax, this time to July 2026 – possibly the very last deferment – The Italian revenue authority currently is exploring alternatives for supporting the reduction of single-use plastic consumption. Little by little.
Companies producing and/or consuming items composed with either recycled on compostable plastic can apply for a tax credit up to 20% of the expenses reported on fiscal years 2022, 2023 and 2024.
Due to the limited amount of funds available, highest priority will be given to expenditure for purchase of products designed to be in direct contact with beverages (cups only) and food, like packaging of products ready for consumption and items with similar functionality.
On as second stage, whereby funds will be available, expenses for other alimentary tools – like cutleries, plates and straws – can be refunded accordingly.
Details about technical details of each product can be found in the attachments of Decree 196/2021. On the same regulation, on article 8 are implemented the principle in terms of Extended Producer Responsibility.